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Faculty Library Resources

An overview of Russell Library resources pertinent to Georgia College faculty.

Finding Video for Online Classes

Faculty: Please use the following decision-tree to find streaming video for online classroom environments 

If you have any questions, please contact your library liaison.

1. Search Academic Video Online, PBS Video Collection

The Library provides faculty with streaming video options for your online courses. Check out the plethora of options already available to you and your students in our Films on Demand, AVON, and Kanopy databases. 

Films on Demand: Search the Academic Video Online database through GALILEO.

PBS Video Collection:  Search this database through GALILEO.

Work with your library liaison to embed videos into D2L or to add them to your course reserves.  

2. Search Other Sources 

If your title isn’t available in the databases above, try searching Google to see whether there is a free or low-cost option available.  Try searching for the name of the film, perhaps the director's name, and include the word "streaming."  Example:  "wise blood" streaming

If you don't see any streaming options, contact your library liaison to determine whether the Library can acquire streaming access. If so, your liaison will provide you with access instructions. Note that this option is budget-dependent. We might be able to purchase streaming access for additional media, but it does take time to finalize a streaming license, and institutional streaming costs do often exceed our budget constraints. 



Streaming Video