Checklist for library instructors.
Before Class Session
Schedule the class session using the assignment and syllabus to determine the best time for a session. Please refer to the "Scheduling" Tab to your left for more information.
Create lesson plans for each course conducted. (3 lesson plans will be required for portfolio)
During Class Session
Record number of students
If conducting a session in room 241, have students register for that session via LibCal.
(Suggested) Incorporate activities for various learning styles
Incorporate an additional assessment piece (minimum of 3 courses is required per semester.)
After Class Session
Record Statistics in LibAnalytics
Write Reflection Entry for Portfolio
Assessment sent to teaching faculty(Completed by instruction coordinator)
If conducting a FYS session, send FYS assessment survey to students. Class lists can be found via PAWS.
Conduct 2 peer-observations during the Fall Semester.
Conduct 2 peer-observations during the Spring Semester.
Obtain additional feedback from at least 3 different classes per semester.
Periodically review feedback from faculty evaluation session
Keep instruction portfolios up to date.
Assessment Information will be used during the faculty evaluation period.