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Legal Environment of Business: Ethics and Social Responsibility

Codes of Ethics

Business Ethics

Civil Disobedience

Photo by @mjb. Some rights reserved

Civil disobedience - "an effort to bring about a change in the law or in government policy through the violation of a law that is claimed to be immoral, unconstitutional, or irreligious" (Churchill, 2014). 

From the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy on Civil Disobedience:

Why must civil disobedience be non-violent? Why must it be public, in the sense of forewarning authorities of the intended action, since publicity gives authorities an opportunity to interfere with the action? Why must people who engage in civil disobedience be willing to accept punishment?


AP FACT CHECK: Trump's fiction about whistleblower complaint

Whistleblower Sharon S. Watkins, former Enron vice president - Ethical Conflicts at Enron

The Dodd-Frank Act - Whistleblower Program taken from the Securities and Exchange Commission

Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act 2009 - statement by Rajesh De to the Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia United States Senate.

Whistleblowers and the Obama presidency: The national security dilemma 

What is wrong with government whistleblowing and when can it be justified? - The Ethics of Government Whistleblowing

An overview of the SEC'S Whistleblower Award Program.

Who Is Entitled to Whistleblower Protection? Second and Fifth Circuits Split according to Employee Relations Law Journal.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act - The Supreme Court expanded whistle-blower protection under this act to include employees for private companies that perform work for public companies.