Charged with handling all media relations for the university, University Communications, formerly called Public Relations, acts as information liaisons to local newspapers, television and radio stations, as well as community members, faculty, staff and students. As part of advertising efforts for the university, they photograph campus, individuals and events for use in publications. As technology has evolved, they have also assumed responsibility for the university web site.
The Public Relations Files include the general files of the office, as well as news stories and media releases detailing information on events, projects, and people at the university, particularly from the mid-1950s forward.
In addition to the general files and news stories, the collection includes faculty/staff newsletters produced weekly by the Public Relations department for dispersal to campus. The newsletter underwent several name changes over the years. The earliest volumes in the collection are titled Thirty. Subsequent names respectively are Items, Weekly Calendar and most recently This Week. In 2001, the newsletter went online and was called The Info Page and is now known as Front Page. Front Page is updated daily and features articles about current university events, people profiles, calendars and news related links.
The collection also contains many of the negatives, slides and photographs documenting faculty, staff, students, buildings and events of the university.