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- Sallstrom, Dr. John. Department of Philosophy. Associate Vice President for Academic Services
- Satterfield, Mary Virginia.Librarian, Russell Library
- Sayles, Jerremy W. Librarian, Russell Library
- Saylor, Tanya. A Healthy Beginning: Kathleen Wilkinson Wooten's Impact on Health Education, 2007. Senior Capstone
- School of Health Sciences. Orientation for Class: 200, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2006 (see also College of Health Sciences)
- School of Nursing.
- School of Nursing. Graduate Handbook, 1996-1997 (see also College of Health Sciences)
- Science Education Center. The Nucleus. 2009
- Scott, Dr. Edwin H. School of Education.
- Smith, David. Class of 2013
- Speakers Bureau
- Specht, Dr. Joe. Dean, School/College of Business
- Special Collections.
- Spectrum
- Speir, President Edwin G. 1982-1997
- Sports - History of
- Staff Council
- Stanford, President Henry King. 1953-1956 (2 folders)
- STEM Symposium
- Strickland, Diane. The One and Only Kate Thrash
- Student Affairs
- Student Activities - Department of
- Student Ambassador Team
- Student Directory
- Student Employment Handbook. Office of Student Financial Aid. (1970s)
- Student Government Association
- Student Organization Advisor's Manual and Student Leader Manual. Student Activities. n.d.
- Student Profiles
- Student Protest flyer. n.d.
- Student Volunteer Work
- Swearingen, Mack Buckley. Department of History (2 folders)
- Technology Advisory Committee. 1996
- Technology Plan. 1999
- Terra Nostra. International Education Center Newsletter. scattered issues, 1999-2009
- Thanksgiving Service. 25 November 1926
- Theatre - Department of. (see also: Georgia College Theatre)
- Theatre and Dance Department
- This Week: A Weekly Newsletter for Faculty and Staff at GC&SU. October 23-29, 2000
- Time Capsule. 50 years. Placed in the "old" courthouse. To be opened in 2036.
- Tipton, Dr. Clyde. Department of Music
- Trawick, Jessie T. Department of Chemistry.
- Turner, James "Jim." Director, Old Governor's Mansion
- Turner, Pattie Mangum. Modern Languages.
- U. S. Navy. Ship's Bell. Victory Bell
- University Advancement
- University Council (A.K.A. President's Council) 1997
- University Housing
- University Relations. Visual Identity Program, n.d.
- University System of Georgia. Board of Regents.
- University System of Georgia.Board of Regents. (DRAFT) Changing the Results of Higher Education--Faculty and Staff Development, 1996