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- Johnson, Dr. Amanda. Head, Department of History,
- Johnson, Tavaris. "Humans of Milledgeville"
- Jones, Dr. Joann. Dean, School/College of Business
- Jones, Dr. W. Alan. Director of Institutional Research
- Keeler, Dr. Clyde E. Department of Biology
- Kennedy, Jackie Smith. Class of 1985
- Kilpatrick Education Center
- King, Josephine. Department of English
- Kitchens, Joshua F. CSH Museum preservation
- Kwanzaa. 1989
- Lake Laurel Biological Field Station. 1998
- Lee, President Robert (Buzz) 1956-1967
- Leland, President Dorothy. 2004-2011
- Lewis, Dr. Helen Matthews. Class of 1946
- Lifestyles 101. (Resident Halls, 1989
- A Light Than Cannot Be Hid. The Foundation of the Woman's College of Georgia, Inc.
- Lord, Carlotta "Cody" Kanouff (WAVES)
- Lounsbury, Dr. John.
- John H. Lounsbury College of Education.
- John H. Lounsbury School of Education. EduNet
- John H. Lounsbury School of Education. Faculty Handbook. Fall 1986
- John H.Lounsbury School of Education. Graduate News Letter. Fall 1986
- John H. Lounsbury School of Education. Mildred English Curriculum Center
- Luttrell, Alaynah. 2018.
- Lyceum Committee.1971