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7. 1 The Carbon Cycle
a. Reservoirs and fluxes of importance
b. Activity: Better understanding the carbon cycle
c. Human impacts on the carbon cycle
d. Resources
e. Terms list
7.2 The Science of Climate Change
a. What is causing global climate change?
b. Greenhouse gases
c. Other climate influencers
d. Tools scientists use to study climate change
e. Resources
f. Terms list
7.3 Consequences of Climate Change
a. Temperature and precipitation
b. Sea level rise
c. Ocean acidification
7.4 Looking Forward: Climate Solutions
a. Adaptation strategies
b. Mitigation strategies
c. Resources
d. Terms list
By the end of this chapter students will be able to:
1. List the major carbon reservoirs on Earth, and identify how carbon flows from one reservoir to another.
2. Describe the ways in which humans are impacting multiple portions of the carbon cycle.
3. Describe the causes and consequences of global climate change.
a. List the major greenhouse gases and identify their sources and impacts.
b. Describe the effects of climate change on ecosystems.
c. Evaluate the impacts of climate change from the viewpoint of diverse groups of people across the world.
4. Identify methods of climate remediation, including carbon sequestration.
5. Describe some of the research tools scientists use to study climate change.
Additional Reading:
Belt, Don. "The Coming Storm." Wet boots, dry notebook (2011): 10-20.