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Georgia College Department of Theatre and Dance: Home

A history of the Georgia College Department of Theatre & Dance and an index of performances and events produced and/or hosted by the department. The guide also provides information about relevant materials Special Collections has available.

History of the Georgia College Department of Theatre and Dance

On October 5, 1934, the Georgia College Jesters, organized by Catherine Mallory, formally became a student organization, with 77 members on the club roster. Catherine Mallory was elected president, Georgellen Walker Vice President, Marion Hartshorn, Secretary, and Edna Lattimore treasurer. The club was immediately divided into committees, including program, stage, makeup, costume, and lights, and Frances Roan was selected to represent the club as its "symbol," or mascot due to her ability to do a cartwheel. The organization was formed from "the old dramatic club" and the "Y.W.C.A. dramatic committee." Initially, their goal was to "give one-act plays several times during the year and two three-act plays." The organization formed with the intention to undertake a serious study of theater, with the first endeavor of the program committee being "the study of Pulitzer Prize plays." [SOURCE: "77 Women on Roster of Jesters", Colonnade, Oct. 15, 1934 ]


In 1935, the federal theater program (FTP) was established by FDR during the Great Depression. The program funded live entertainment across the United States. In October of that same year, Georgia College announced that the third floor of Chappell hall would be converted into a space known as the Little Theater. The theater was overseen "jointly by the Jesters and the Play Production class, with Mrs. Max Noah as sponsor." The plan was to perform at least one three-act play per quarter, and possibly smaller productions as well. [Source: "Little Theatre to be Organized Here," : Colonnade, Oct. 21, 1935 ]

The "Little Theatre" space, at this time, was separate from the Campus Theatre (located at 135 W. Hancock Street). Built by Martin Cinemas, the Campus Theatre, coincidentally, was opened the same year that the FTP program was established. The Campus Theatre showed its final film, "Space Raiders," on September 8 1983, and afterwards served as an office space for accountant Randall Hattaway, until it was ultimately purchased by Georgia College for the Theatre Program's use in 2008. ["A Once Fading Treasure Shines Again" Milledgeville Living, [DATE?] ; "Campus Theatre Update," The Colonnade, Friday October 31, 2008]

The Masqueraders  organized in Fall of 1936. In comparison to the jesters, their activities were more casual and seemed to support the activities of the Jesters. During their first year, their plans included painting the furniture of the Little Theater, planning out a scrapbook, and organizing a one act play entitled "Parlour Tricks,"  which was performed at a Jester's New Member Induction Ceremony on April 9. 1937. [Source, "Jesters Tap New Members," Colonnade, April 15, 1937] (Masqueraders were a dramatic organization at GC, Catherine Brown served as president in the 1937 to 1938 school year. Events held at a structure called the "little theater." [SOURCE: "Masqueraders make plans for future work," Colonnade, Dec 4, 1937:


 History of the Georgia College Department of Theatre and Dance 

In May 1940, following the performance of Night Must Fall, several "jesters" met the requirements to become full fledged members of Alpha Psi Omega Society, "the largest national collegiate honor society for dramatics." These students acted as the founders of the organization. To secure their membership, they had to learn "25 continuous lines of Shakespeare, the Greek alphabet, and the location of all national offices of Alpha Psi Omega." The founding members included Grace Brown, Catherine Cavanaugh, Mildred Covin, Marion Culpepper, Celia Deese, Hilda Fortson, Anne King, Lois McCrory, Joyce Mickle, Martha Pool, America Smith, Margaret Stugis, Beth Williams, Rose McDonnell, Catherine Brown, and Frances Coates [Source: Untitled Article, Colonnade, April 20, 1940 ; "New AIpha Psi Omega Chapter Opened Here; Charter Members Celebrate At Banquet Tonight," Colonnade, May 18, 1940]

In September of 1940, the Theta Beta Chapter of Alpha Psi Omega honor society, which also oversaw the activities of the "masqueraders" and "jesters" formed the College Theater. Edna West was the first faculty sponsor of Alpha Psi Omega.  That first 1940-41 season, the College Theatre put on four plays: one in each quarter (with GC being on the quarter system at that time). Tryouts were open to the entire student body for each play, and those that made the cut were welcomed into the "Jesters," with the possibility for later membership in Alpha Psi Omega. [Source: "Drama Groups Combine to form Theater," Colonnade, September, 28, 1940 ].

To become a member of Alpha Psi Omega, "a student must have Theatre Productions and served on each of the crews which include lights, stage props, costumes, sound, house, publicity, cast, scene... and makeup" [Source, "Dramatic Frat admits Seventeen", Colonnade, May 25, 1946 ]




Jack Gore was the director of the theater in 1952 (he was also the head of the speech department). He took a leave of absence during the 54 to 55 school year to work on his doctorate  [SOURCE: "Mr. Jack Gore Granted Leave," The Colonnade, May 6, 1954 ]. Mr. Jack Gore again became Alpha Psi Omega's faculty advisor upon his return in the Fall of 1955 [SOURCE: "Drama Fraternity Initates Pledges," The Colonnade, October 14, 1955].

In February of 1955, the group purchased their first spotlight [SOURCE: "College Theater Purchases Spotlight; Cast Chosen, Start Work on Spring Play," The Colonnade, February 28, 1955 ]

Leonard Hart was hired as an assistant professor of speech in Fall 1959. [Source: Colonnade Article, "Eight New Members Join GCSW Staff", Colonnade, October 10, 1959]. Leonard Hart directed 15 plays at Georgia College before leaving at the end of the 1963-64 school year for a post in Western Kentucky State University. Plays he directed included Denny and the Witches, Korea, You Touched Me, John Loves Mary, Oliver Oliver! (others?). [Source: Colonnade Article, "Special Spotlight: Leonard Hart," May 15, 1964. ]

In January of 1960, the College Theater revised its membership rules [how?] [SOURCE: "College Theater," The Colonnade, January 16, 1960 ]

Jim Maloon took Hart's place in Fall 1964. 

Carol Ann McCue became Theatre director Fall 1967. [Source, "GC Theatre Announces Cast," Colonnade, Oct. 17, 1967 ]

J. Dalton Eddleman became Theatre Director, Fall 1968.

[According to 1965 Spectrum, one play produced each quarter. it names two plays from 1964-65 as "Bright Girl" and "Picnic" but does not give dates for these, and does not list the other plays performed that school year]

Eddleman was still director of the GC Theatre in 1969-1970 [1970 Spectrum]

John Blair was the director of the GC Theatre in 1979 [1979 Spectrum].

Jim Hammond served as director of the Theatre Department from 1987 to 1990. His goals were to build up an audience for the theatre and to make the theatre department into a regional theatre, inclusive of both students and community members. During his tenure, he introduced season tickets with assigned seating, Saturday matinee performances, and the development of a community theatre support group, Theatre Stars.

At the time of Jim Hammond's departure from Georgia College, about 1,000 individuals held season tickets. He left in 1990 to become the director of the Gainsville Theater Alliance and associate professor of drama and speech at Gainesville and Brenau colleges, which had a joint theatre program from which Hammond and his wife had graduated.  [Source: The Union Recorder, June 5, 1990 ]

After Hammond's departure, the Theatre department moved from operating within the English and Speech department, joining with music department to become the Department of Music and Drama in Fall 1990. This combination was done to more efficiently coordinate schedules, to better organize publicity and recruitment efforts. The two departments felt like a natural fit for one another, given how often they collaborated on theatre productions-- particularly, musicals. [Source: The Union Recorder, July 20, 1990]

The search committee for Willoughby's replacement was composed of not only Georgia College faculty, and administrators, but also theatre patrons. They hired David Moore, who, seeking to shape a more professional program, sought out and actively recruited talent. His ingenues included Trent Blanton, Johnetta Bowser, and Jeff Wiggins. Moore promised his recruits, "If you come to Georgia College and enroll in the theatre program, I promise to stay with you until you graduate." He kept that promise, staying at GC until these students undertook their final performance.[Source: Union Recorder, May 19, 1995 ]

On June 8, 1994, the Board of Regents approved a bachelor of arts degree in Theatre at Georgia College.  Prior to the new degree program, students interested in drama had been majoring in general studies with a concentration in Theater. [Source: The Union Recorder, June 9, 1994]. Jim Willoughby, chairman of the department of music and theatre said that Moore was "instrumental in getting the theatre degree approved," at GC, further elaborating how "he has created a sound academic program in theatre here, and managed to do it without the aid of abundant scholarship funds. He has recruited top quality students not he strength of the program's growing reputation."  [Source: Union Recorder, May 19, 1995 ]

Fred Berg--  listed as "new" in Union Recorder, 11-20-1997.



Georgia College purchased the Campus Theatre Building, an old cinema, from accountant Randall Hattaway in February 2008 and began the process of renovating the facade and converting the inside into a performance space.  Soon after, Karen Berman, an "Atlanta native with many accomplishments, including degrees from George Washington University and the Catholic University of America" became the Theatre Department chair (in August 2008). At the time, she was "doing research on campus for her Ph.D" and had "recently [been] inducted into the College of Fellow of the American Theatre at the Kennedy Center. Only about 170 people have been named Fellows, including Pulitzer Prize winners." An active advocate for social change, Berman initiated the Katrina Project during her times president of the Association of Theatre in Higher Education. The project aided high schools that had been destroyed in Hurricane Katrina to rebuild drama programs. "We worked in Collaboration with the Black Theatre Network on this project as well," German told Colonnade reporter April Argo at the time. [SOURCE: "The Show Will Go On: Theatre Department Begins A New Season," The Colonnade, September 5, 2008 ]. The first Theatre Season under Berman's tenure was "Women in the Spotlight: Plays by Women" (2008-2009), and the second Theatre Season she oversaw was "Dreaming Global Justice" (2009-2010).

Berman worked with Dottie Pratt, a theater and creative writing major who graduated from GCSU in 2010, to bring the Rocky Horror Picture Show to GCSU. Pratt was the founder of the Clark Street Glitter Lips and the first director of the Rocky Horror Picture show in 2008 ["Directing Dottie," The Colonnade, November 5, 2010; "'Rocky Horror' Steps onto GCSU campus" The Colonnade, September 19, 2008]. After that first shadowcast show on October 30, 2008, the event became a yearly tradition up through [date]. 

In early 2009, The Music and Theatre Department began offering online ticket sales for its shows. [SOURCE: "GCSU Now Offers Online Ticket Sales," The Colonnade, March 6, 2009 ]

On July 1, 2009, the Theatre Department became its own department, separate from the Music department.

The theatre Department continued to collaborate with Music, as well as with other departments, including the Creative Writing Department.[When does Arts and Letters Contest begin?] The annual Arts and Letters Contest accepts submissions around the world from a variety of creative writing genres. Creative Writing professionals judge the entries. When the winning entry is a play, the play is staged by the theatre department and the winner is flown out to GC to see their work on stage [Check-- is this information correct? Lot of it inferred from one article. Also, see if this contest is still going on, and if this is still the practice if a play is chosen ] ["Arts and Letters Play Lives Up to GCSU's Taste," The Colonnade, April 2, 2010]

After a fall 2008 pilot that showed promising results in terms of aiding students with mental health, in Fall 2009, the Theatre Department received an upstart grant from the Bringing Theory to Practice Project to fund a new course, "Promoting Holistic Health Through Theatre Performance Programming, wherein students researched health issues and presented short plays about those issues to the class. [SOURCE: "Thespians Granted Health Class," The Colonnade, April 24, 2009 ]



The Campus Theater underwent construction, in [dates]. The renovations restored the "Art Deco style marquee and facade, fully... to its 1935 glory." ("A Once Fading Treasure Shines Again," Milledgeville Living, [DATE?])

 During construction, Theatre instruction was given in the basement of Porter Hall. The Campus Theater reopened in [month] 2010 with "a computer lab, a make-up lab, an acting lab, a design lab, a conference room and green room in addition to the new blackbox theatre." .[ "GCSU Adjusts to Campus Theatre," The Colonnade, 2010].The blackbox theatre would serve "not only... as a showcase but also as a hands-on classroom... before the theater was available for student use, actor were confined to classrooms not suitable for a true picture of how the blocking and stage directions should be carried out." [SOURCE: "Black Box Theatre Comes Alive: 'Steel Magnolias' unveiled as first major production for Black Box Theater." The Union Recorder, cca Summer 2010] The new space also included the Barnes and Noble Georgia College bookstore.[ "GCSU Adjusts to Campus Theatre," The Colonnade, 2010]. Steel Magnolias was the first production staged at the new black box theatre [ SOURCE: "Black Box Theatre Comes Alive: 'Steel Magnolias' unveiled as first major production for Black Box Theater." The Union Recorder, cca Summer 2010]

Also late in 2010, the actress Mary Badham, who portrayed Scout in the film To Kill a Mockingbird visited  the campus to view Georgia College's own To Kill a Mockingbird production and to participate in "An Evening with Scout" in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the film. [" 'Mockingbird's Scout to Visit Georgia College" [source unknown, cca 2010]

The first annual Arts and Letters contest began in 2011 [see Colonnade article from sometime in March 2012 for more information]

In February 22, 2019, the department staged their first African American musical, Crowns. Dr. Amy Pinney said that the play was chosen to coincide with the 50th anniversary of GC's first African American graduate, Celestine Hill, as well as with Black History Month. [Source: Union Recorder, February 22, 2019 ]

Performances/Events by Date


Date (Year, Month, Day) Performance/Event Available Materials


Date (Year, Month, Day) Performance/Event Available Materials
1940. 05. ? Night Must Fall Colonnade Article, ?
1940.11.08 Personal Appearance Colonnade Article, April 11, 1950
1940.12.06 Oedipus the King Colonnade Article, ?
Date (Year, Month, Day) Performance/Event Available Materials
1950.04.19-21 Dear Ruth

"College Theatre Presents 'Dear Ruth,' 3 Nights",

The Colonnade, April 11, 1950

1951.04.18-19 Cheaper by the Dozen

"College Theatre to do 'Cheaper by the Dozen'"

The Colonnade, April 10, 1951

1952.04.17-18 Pygmalion

"Spring Production 'Pygmalion' is Cast"

The Colonnade, April 1, 1952

1952.10. 30-31 Cradle Song

"'Cradle Song' First of Three Plays for the Year"

The Colonnade, October 30, 1952

"'Cradle  Song' Valued by Amateur Critics,"

November 11, 1952


1953.11.05-06 Our Town

"Our Town is Fall Production"

October 12, 1953

"Was Your Face Red?"

November 10, 1953

1954.01.11-12 Wappin' Warf: A Frightful Comedy of Pirates

"Pirates Walk the Boards Feb. 11-12"

The Colonnade, January 22, 1954

"'Wappin' Warf' is a Wappin Hit!"

The Colonnade, February 16, 1954

1954.11 Our Hearts were Young and Gay

"Hearts of Audience Captured by 'Our Hearts Were Young and Gay'"

The Colonnade, November 15, 1954

1955.05.05-06 Blithe Spirit

"College Theater Group Production 'Blithe Spirit' Presented May 5 and 6"

The Colonnade, May 6, 1955

1955.11.03-04 Murder in the Cathedral

"Theater Chooses Actresses, Crew"

The Colonnade, October 14, 1955

1956.02.21-23 Guest in the House

"Second in Series of Three Dramas is Presented Here"

The Colonnade, February 24, 1956

1956.04.26-27 Girls in Uniform

"College Theater Gives Spring Play at GCSW"

The Colonnade, April 27, 1956

1956.10.31 - 11.02 The Chalk Garden

"College Theater Group to Present Fall Play"

The Colonnade, October 6, 1956

1957.02.07-08 Night Must Fall

"College Theater Group Will Present Play, 'Night Must Fall' on Feb. 7-8"

The Colonnade, February 2, 1957

1957.11.07-08 Old Acquaintance

"Mr. Gore Chooses Cast for 'Old Acquaintance'"

The Colonnade, October 12, 1957

"College Theater Features Comedy 'Old Acquaintance' on Nov. 7-8"

The Colonnade,  November 2, 1957

1958.02.05-07 Pygmalion

"Shaw's Pygmalion is Presented at GCSW"

The Colonnade, February 14, 1958

1958.11.06-07 Yerma

"College Theater to Present Yerma in Russell Nov. 6 & 7"

The Colonnade, October 11, 1958

1959.02.12-13 The Young and Fair

"February 12 Marks Theater Production for Winter Quarter"

The Colonnade, January 24, 1959

Date (Year, Month, Day) Performance/Event Available Materials
1960. 02.19

A Tree Fell in the Forest

     Dir. Leonard Hart

Colonnade Article, February 19, 1960

Oliver, Oliver!

     Dir. Leonard Hart

"College Theater to Present Hilarious Comedy, 'Oliver, Oliver!' by Osborn

The Colonnade, May 10, 1960

1960.11 The Curious Savage

"The Curious Savage: A Review"

The Colonnade, November 5, 1960

1961.05.11 H.M.S Pinafore

Russell Auditorium Will Be Host to HMS Pinafore, Thursday, May 11"

The Colonnade, April 29, 1961


The Choir

     Dir. Leonard Hart

Colonnade Article, February 17, 1962
1962. 05.03-04

Dinny and the Witches: A Frolic on Grave Matters

    By William Gibson

     Dir. Leonard Hart

Colonnade Article, February 17, 1962

"College Theater Slates Dinny and the Witches"

The Colonnade, April 21, 1962

1962.11. ?

You Touched Me

     Dir. Leonard Hart 

Colonnade Article, November 19, 1962
1963. 02.15

Only an Orphan Girl

     By Henning Nelms

     Dir. Leonard Hart

Colonnade Article, February 15, 1963

Mr. Pottinger


     Dir. Leonard Hart

Colonnade Article, ?


     Dir. Leonard Hart

Colonnade Article, February 21, 1964
1964. 05.08-10

The Nightingale: A Chinese Fairytale

     by Dorothy Wright

     Dir. Leonard Hart

Colonnade Article, May 15, 1964

Bright Girl

    By John Boruff

    Dir. Jim Maloon, Asst, Dir: Doris Parrish

Colonnade Article, October 1, 1964



The Glass Menagerie

    by Tenessee Williams

    Dir. Jim Maloon

Colonnade Article, February 10, 1966

Colonnade Article, February 24, 1966


The Sound of Music

     Dir. Jim Maloon

     Choreography: Dr. Betty Poindexter

     Music Conduction: Dr. Wolferstieg

Colonnade Article,  May 8, 1967

The Chalk Garden

     Dir. Carol Ann McCue

Colonnade Article, October 17, 1967
1968. 02.14-16

"The Bald Soprano" & "The Lesson"

      by Eugene Ionesco

      Dir. Carol Ann McCue


No Exit

    Dir. J. Dalton Eddleman

Colonnade Article, October 29, 1968

Colonnade Article, February 11, 1971

1969.02.02-22 South Pacific Colonnade Article, February 3, 1969


     by Murray Schisgal

     Dir. J. Dalton Eddleman

Colonnade Article, May 20, 1969

The Exercise

     by Lewis John Carlino


Colonnade Article, October 30, 1969
Date (Year, Month, Day) Performance/Event Available Materials
1970.02.18-20 The Firebugs Colonnade Article, February 9, 1970
1971.02.18-19 Tobacco Road Colonnade Article, February 11, 1971
1978. [Fall?] Feiffers People 1979 Spectrum (Yearbook)
1978/9. [Winter?] Mother Courage 1979 Spectrum (Yearbook)
1979. [Spring] Camelot 1979 Spectrum (Yearbook)
Date (Year, Month, Day) Performance/Event Available Materials
1986.05.23 Cabaret Program (Special Collections Vertical Files)
1987.11.19-21 Guys and Dolls Program (Special Collections Vertical Files)
1988.04.3-5 Foxfire Program (Special Collections Vertical Files)
1988.05 University by Jon Jory  
1988.05.19-21 Tartuffe Program (Special Collections Vertical Files)
1988.05.25-28 A Pauper's Anthology  
1988.10.4 Hamlet ("Town and Gown" Production) Program (Special Collections Vertical Files)
1988.11.16-19 Oliver! Program (Special Collections Vertical Files)
1989.02.22-25 Steel Magnolias Program (Special Collections Vertical Files)
1989.05.17-20 Little Shop of Horrors Program (Special Collections Vertical Files)
1989.11.15-18 The Miracle Worker  
Date (Year, Month, Day) Performance/Event Available Materials
1990.02.21-24 Pippin  
1990.05.16-19 An Act of Imagination

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

1990.11.14-17 The Foreigner  
1991.02.27-03.02 Camelot

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

1991.05.15-18 Inherit the Wind  

An Evening of Scenes: Extended Selections

from Prolific Plays and Playwrights

1991.04.16 Fridiculousness  
1991.05.15-18 Driving Miss Daisy

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

?? The Fantasticks  
1991.12.4-8 The Best Christmas Pageant Ever  
1992.02.19-23 Our Town  
1992.03.20 Jonathan Frid's Shakespearan Odyssey  
1992.04.15-19 Greater Tuna  
1992.05.20-24 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof  
1992.10.21-25 Nunsense  
1992.11.18-22 A Christmas Carol  
1993.02.17-21 The Lion in Winter  
1993.03.03 A Theatrical Treat!  
1993.02.23-27 The Diviners, Jim Leonard  
1993.03.11-12 Festival of One Acts  


[check date-- 93 or 94? ]

Arsenic and Old Lace

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

1993.04.14-18 Lend Me a Tenor  
1993.05.19-23 Into the Woods  
1993.10.27-31 Fuente Ovejuna, Lupe de Vega  
1993.11.17-21 A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens  
1994.05.18-22  Man of La Mancha

Newspaper Clippings, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

1994.10.26-30 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Tennessee Williams

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

1994.11.16-20 The Good Times are Killing Me

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

1995.15-19 The Tempest, William Shakespeare

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)


Festival of One Acts

     "If Men Played Cards as Women Do" by George Kaufman

     "Bag Bog Beast Bait" by Sam Shepherd

     "I Think They Moved to Buffalo" by GC Theatre Instructor Peter Pauze

     "The Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden" by Thornton Wilder

     "Drink of Me" by GC Student Rob Durham

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

1995.04.19-20 The Baltimore Waltz  
1995.05.17-21 The Pirates of Penzance  
1995.10.25-29 The Crucible, Arthur Miller

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)


Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All for You, 

Christopher Durang

1996.02.14-18 Hamlet

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

1996.03.6-10 Oleanna  

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead,

Tom Stoppard

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)


Big River: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,

Roger Miller and William Hauptman


Li'l Abner

(Workshop for 3rd graders through college freshman)

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

1996.11.7-10 Godspell  
1997.02.27-28, 03.1-2 Look Homeward, Angel

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

1997.05.8-11 Come Back to the 5 and Dime, Jimmy Dean  
1997.05.29-31, 06.01 Noises Off!  
1997.11.20-23 Anything Goes

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

1998.01.28-30 The House of No Doors  
1998.02.26-03.01 The Miser  
1998.05.7-10 Waiting for Godot  
1998.05.28-31 Tintypes  

Laundry & Bourbon and Lone Star: 2 One-Act Plays,

James McClure

1998.09.20-10.4 Arms and the Man  
1998.10.21-24 The Complete Work of W.M Shakespeare, Abridged.  
1998.11.18-22 Macbeth  
1998.12.8-9 ? The Nutcracker  
1999.02.24-28 The Grapes of Wrath  
1999.04.21-25 A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)


The Scarlet Letter

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

Date (Year, Month, Day) Performance/Event Available Materials
2000.02.24-27 Gint

Newspaper Clippings, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

2000.03.16-19 All's Well that Ends Well

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

2002.02.20 Our Town

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

2007.09.26-30 Sylvia

Season Brochure,

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

2007.11.14-18 The Tempest

Season Brochure,

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

2008.02.27-03.02 Coyote Point

Season Brochure,

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

2008.04.10-11 A Piece of My Heart (Senior Capstone)

Season Brochure,

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

2008.04.18-19 The 24 Hour Plays

"Five Writers, Five Directors, 24 Actors, 24 Hours"

The Colonnade, April 24, 2009

(Theatre Department Collection)

Season Brochure,

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

2008.09.25 The Blue Door

"Play puts Racism Centerstage"

The Colonnade, October 3, 2008

(Theatre Department Collection)

2008.10.1-5 Eurydice

"Devilishly Great Theatrical Delight"

The Colonnade, October 3, 2008

(The Theatre Collection)

2008.11.29-23 Yours, Anne

"'Yours, Anne' Honors Holocaust

Survivors, Victims"

The Union Recorder, November 11, 2008

(Theatre Department Collection)

"Holocaust Programs"

The Telegraph, November 14, 2008

(Theatre Department Collection)

2008.12.12-14 The Nutcracker

Newspaper Clipping of Rehearsal Photo,

The Colonnade, December 5, 2008

(Theatre Department Collection)

2009.01.22-23 The Lover (Senior Capstone)

"'The Lover' is an intimate experience

for cast and audience" The Colonnade,

January 30, 2009

(Theatre Department Collection)

2009.02.25-28, 03.01 The Rover

"The 1600s Mardi Gras Rendition Brings with

It Sex, Drugs, and Humor," The Colonnade,

February 27, 2009

(Theatre Department Collection)

"The Rover: Actors Bear it All," The Colonnade,

March 6, 2009

(Theatre Department Collection)

2009.04. ? Some are People

Newspaper Photo Clipping,

The Colonnade, April 3, 2009

(Theatre Department Collection)

2009.04.15-16 Baby with the Bathwater (Senior Capstone)

"Today Full of 'Sweets and Musical Treats,"

The Union Recorder, April 14, 2009

(Theatre Department Collection)

2009.04.25-26 Dance Minor Spring Concert

Newspaper Photo Clipping,

The Union Recorder, April 28, 2009

(Theatre Department Collection)

2009.04.26 We are the Dream

"GCSU Theatre Program Performs on Community Stages"

Newsletter--ADP, June 2009

(Theatre Department Collection)

2009. [04/05?]. ? Directing II Scenes

"Directing Students Set the Scenes"

The Colonnade, May 1, 2009

(Theatre Department Collection)

2009.09.20-10.1-4 The Smiles  
2009.10.8-9 Fat Pig  
2009.11.18-22 Sueno  
Date (Year, Month, Day) Performance/Event Available Materials
2010.02.24-28 Rent


"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

2010.04.30 An Evening of Directed Scenes

"Final Projects Play Out for Live Audience," The Colonnade,

April 30, 2010 

(Theatre Department Collection)

2010.04.14-15 The Beauty Queen of Leenane


"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

"Age Before Beauty: Mother Daughter Conflict Driving Force

for 'The Beauty Queen of Leenane," The Colonnade, April 23, 2010

(Theatre Department Collection)

2010.04.17 The 24 Hour Plays  
2010.08.30- 10.01

Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead (Senior Capstone)

by Burt V. Royal

Directed by Nic Marrone

"'Peanuts' gang hits GCSU stage: 'Dog Sees God' Adds Some Spice to the Famous Comic Crew," The Colonnade, October 1, 2010

(Theatre Department Collection)


"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

2010.09.15-18 To Kill a Mockingbird

"'Mockingbird' Memories: 'Mockingbird making it to GCSU's Russell Stage,"

The Union Recorder, September 11-13, 2010

(Theatre Department Collection)

  Books on Tape

"GCSU Students Perform Visiting Playwright's Work" The Colonnade, cca September 2010

(Theatre Department Collection)

2010.11.09-14, 17-21

Steel Magnolias

"Sounds of 'Steel:' Behind the Scenes of Music and Sound Design

for 'Steel Magnolias,'" The Colonnade, cca November 2010

(Theatre Department Collection)

"Milledgeville's Own 'Magnolias:' Steel Magnolias debuts in the 

campus Black Box Theatre before its two-week run," The Colonnade,

November 12, 2010

(Theatre Department Collection)

"Black Box Theatre Comes Alive: 'Steel Magnolias' unveiled as first 

major production for Black Box Theater." The Union Recorder, cca Summer 2010

(Theatre Department Collection)

2011.01.25-27 Wonder of the World Photos (Tim Vacula)
2011.02.23-27 The 1940s Radio Hour

"Get Ready for the 1940s in 2011," The Union Recorder, February 22, 2011

{Theatre Department Collection)

Photos (Tim Vacula)

2011.11.08-16 Hamlet

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)


The Nutcracker Ballet

(15th Annual Performance)

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Theatre" Vertical File (UA History)

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Department of Theatre and Dance" Vertical File (UA History)

2015.08.28 The Triumph of Juan Rana  



Standing on Ceremony:

The Gay Marriage Plays


Almost, Maine

(Senior Capstone)

2015.11.11-21 The Ballad of Emmett Till  
2015.11.14 Bountiful  
2015.12.11-12 The Nutcracker  


(Senior Capstone)

2016.02.24-27 Chicago  

Expectant Pause

by Tess Light

(Arts & Letters Festival Winner)


Next Fall

(Senior Capstone)

2016.04.09 The 24 Hour Plays  
2016.04.30 GC Dance Spring Concert  
2016.09.28-10.01 A Streetcar Named Desire  

Dr. Seuss' "The Cat in the Hat"

(Senior Capstone)

2016.10.20 Solo Performance by Bailee Hull  
2016.10.23 Bountiful  



Stick Fly  
2016.12.09-10 The Nutcracker  

A Song for Coretta

(Senior Capstone)

2017.01.21 The 24 Hour Plays  
2017.02.21-25 Green Day's American Idiot  

Funny Voices or a Thing I Cannot Name

by Matt Minnicino

(Arts and Letters Festival Winner)



(Senior Capstone)


Solo Performances by Kayla Thomas

(Senior Capstone)

2017.04.29-30 Dance Spring Concert  
2017.09.27-30 Big Love  
2017.10.22 Bountiful  
2017.10.23-24 Aesop's Fables Redux  
2017.11.8-12; 15-19 Detroit '67  
2017.12.08-09 The Nutcracker  
2018.01.20 The 24 Hour Plays  



Ignacio y Maria

(Senior Capstone)


Sallie Ellis Davis House Reenactment

(Senior Capstone)

2018.02.28-03.03 Cabaret  

Photograph 51

(Senior Capstone)


The Lantern Bearers

by ?

(Arts and Letters Festival Winner)

2018.04.28-29 Dance Spring Concert  
2018.09.26-30 A Doll's House Part 2  

The Truth About Dinosaurs

(Senior Capstone)

2018.10.14 Bountiful  
2018.11.7-11; 14-18 A Midsummer Night's Dream  

The Nutcracker Ballet

(22nd Annual Performance)

Newspaper Clipping, 

"Department of Theatre and Dance" Vertical File (UA History)

2019.01.26 The 24 Hour Plays  
2019.02.27-03.02 Crowns  
2019.03.13-15 Ago  

Reconciling by Jenny King

(Arts and Letters Festival Winner)

2019.05.04 Dance Spring Concert  



Date Performance/Event Available Materials




The Revolutions

by Lauren Gunderson
Dir. Amy Pinney

Part of Revolutionary Movements: The 2021-2022 Theater Production Season




by Matt Cox

Dir. Eiden Mohl

Part of Revolutionary Movements: The 2021-2022 Theater Production Season



The Nutcracker

Dir. Amelia Pelton



Ride the Cyclone

by Jacob Richmond & Brooke Maxwell

Dir. Iona Holder

Part of Revolutionary Movements: The 2021-2022 Theater Production Season


Spring Dance Concert

Dir. Amanda Pelton &  Natalie King


The Theatre Department Collection

The Georgia College Theatre Department Collection can be accessed in-person at Georgia College Special Collections. Call Jessamyn Swan at 478-445-0074 or email to make an appointment. You can view the finding aid for this collection-- including a detailed box list-- by clicking on the tab above labeled "Theatre Dept. Collection Finding Aid."

Vertical Files on the Georgia College Theatre Department

Vertical Files are composed of clippings and other ephemera collected piecemeal by GC archivists over the years. Vertical File materials can be accessed in-person at Georgia College Special Collections. Call Jessamyn Swan at 478-445-0074 or email to make an appointment. 

The Union Recorder 

(information here on how the union recorder clippings can be accessed)

The Colonnade

The Colonnade is Georgia College's Student Newspaper.

Colonnade Articles from [date] to [date] can be accessed online through the Knowledge Box at [Address] 

Colonnade Articles after [date] can be accessed in-person at Special Collections. Call Jessamyn Swan at 478-445-0074 or email to make an appointment. 

Performances/Events by Title

Community Engagement Archivist