Dr. Mary Magoulick teaches folklore, Native American literature, myth, popular culture and women's and gender studies, all with multicultural focus. She writes on the interrelationships between literature/texts and culture and has published in The Journal of American Folklore, The Journal of Folklore Research, The Journal of Popular Culture, and more. Her book, The Goddess Myth in Contemporary Literature and Popular Culture: A Feminist Critique was published by the University Press of Mississippi in 2022. She enjoys traveling (over 30 countries so far) and contemplating cross-cultural connections and culturally-based approaches to studying human artistic expressions. She has done fieldwork with Nishnaabe people, served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Senegal, studied in France, taught in Sweden, Italy, England, Ireland, for Semester at Sea (going around the world), and in Croatia, the last on a Fulbright. She has a Ph.D, Folklore from Indiana University.