When possible, select a journal that is indexed in the major databases for your field. Librarians can help you discover this information - just ask us.
Consider submitting to an open access journal. Studies suggest that articles available freely online are more likely to be discovered, read and cited later on. To find an OA journal, browse the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
Subject to the limits placed on sharing your work by the copyright transfer agreement you signed, deposit a copy of your publication in the GCSU institutional repository, The Knowledge Box. If you don’t have permission to post the full text, add the article title, authors and abstract to your profile page along with a link to the article on the publishers website. If your article is available for free at the publisher’s website, or you’ve added it to a repository like PubMed Central or SSRN, just give us the link, or use the deposit process form on The Knowledge Box.
Check Sherpa/Romeo for more details about which journals allow their authors to share a copy of their paper or ask a librarian for assistance.
Although many researchers make data available upon request, studies suggest that openly sharing the data associated with a research study increases the likelihood that a study will be cited later on.
Sharing your data via a data repository (such as figshare or Dryad) may increase the impact of your work.
Scholars actively share their research on popular social networking site such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as more academically focused social networks:
Note: Social networking sites like Academia.edu and ResearchGate are not repositories and do not provide the same sorts of services, such as supporting open metadata and providing long-term preservation. You can read more about the difference between social networking sites and open access repositories here.
Much of the information and organization for this guide was borrowed from the excellent guides at SUNY Geneseo and the KU Libraries.
It was adapted for use by the Ina Dillard Russell Library at Georgia College & State University by Jennifer Townes in 2016.