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Reflection Portfolio Template

Part I: Student Course Feedback


Feedback is also required from at least three different classes per semester. Class feedback needs to be in addition to the automatic assessment already built into them.

    As a reminder the automatic assessment contains the following questions:

                  1) Was the library instruction session helpful?

                  2) Name one thing that you learned about using the library during the instruction session?

       3) Write one question that you still have about using the library.


{Enter or Attach course feedback here}

Part II: Student Assessment via Research Center


            Collect student assessment via Research Center

            Details TBD

{Enter or Attach Research Center assessment here}

Part III: Faculty Feedback


  •  Review faculty feedback via our faculty feedback form.
  •  Pullout your personal reviews from the collection of responses.

    {Enter or Attach Faculty Feedback Here} 


Part IV: Other Data

Collect and review any data collected on instruction sessions. This can include: LibGuide hits or any other form of assessment not specifically listed in the other sections. 

{Enter or Attach Additional Data here}

Part V: Assessment Reflection


            The assessment section should also contain a brief reflection that addresses faculty and student feedback.

       Reflection prompts:

  • Address (if any) the positive and negative feedback you received.
  • What lessons were learned from any of the success and/or failures mentioned?
  • Did you change any of your instructional methods in response to the feedback?
  • Do you see any patterns in how you performed?
  • What changes if any, in regards to your instruction, are you considering changing or improving upon? 

    {Enter or Attach Reflection here}