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Baldwin County and Milledgeville, Georgia
- Abbott, Annie (see: Haygood, Dixie)
- Abbott, John
- Abbott, Martin. "Memoirs of a Milledgeville Native, Augustin H. Hansell"
- Abreu, Raysa Delgado
- Adams, Joe. "500 S. Jefferson Street: The Story of the Moore-McMillan-Wilson House”
- African American History
- African American History – Business Community
- African American History – Registry of Free Persons of Color (1832-1866)
- African Americans
- Agriculture
- Allen, Dawson
- Allen, Sara Canty Whitaker. “Old Oglethorpe University, Midway Georgia”
- Allen's Invalid Home
- Allied Arts
- Almy, Patty. “Abandoned House of ‘The Richest Man in Georgia’” (The Scott-Carter-Furman-Smith House)
- Alpha Metro
- American Missionary Association – Correspondence (Oct. 1865-Feb. 1866)
- American Missionary Association – Correspondence (Mar. 1866-June 1866)
- American Missionary Association – Correspondence (Oct.-Dec. 1866)
- American Missionary Association – Correspondence (Jan. 1867-Dec. 1868)
- American Missionary Association – Correspondence (date unknown)
- Anderson, Donald
- Anderson, Omar
- Anderson, Richard
- Andrews, Alice Freeman
- Andrews, Charles Haynes
- Andrews, Leslie. “James Camak: A Man of Many Talents”
- Andrews, Louis H., Jr.
- Anglin, Chris . “A Biographical Sketch of Dr. E.A Tigner”
- Annual Report of Mayor Miller S. Bell of the City of Milledgeville, Georgia for 1922
- Anthrax Scare (2001)
- Aquino, Julius
- Araujo, Maria del Pilar. “Hugh Donnelly Treanor”
- Architecture
- Art and Artists
- Arts Advocate
- Arts and Letters Festival
- Avant, Scott Olen. "Hands Up: The Story of Old Bill Miner”
- Bain, Robert. “Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar”
- Baldwin County Agricultural Statistics -1860 (compiled by Dr, James C. Bonner)
- Baldwin County Annual Report, 1987
- Baldwin County Businesses
- Baldwin County Commissioners
- Baldwin County Commissioners. Land Use Change
- Baldwin County Government
- Baldwin County High School
- Baldwin County High School – Rain Dance Review [2 folders]
- Baldwin County Hospital (see also Oconee Regional Medical Center
- Baldwin County Miscellaneous
- Baldwin County Parking Deck
- Baldwin County Pool Controversy
- Baldwin County Probate Court
- Baldwin County Recreation Department
- Baldwin County Regional Airport
- Baldwin County Schools
- Baldwin County Senior Citizens' Center
- Baldwin County Sheriffs Office
- Baldwin County Water Department
- Baldwin Hotel
- Barnes, Judson. "Judge Iverson L. Harris”
- Barnes, Judson."Random House: A History."
- Barnes, Zach
- Barnett, Nathan C.
- Barry, Angela. “A Murder in Milledgeville: William A. Harris” (Richard Sanford Murder)
- Barry, Angela. Dr. Thompson Bird
- Bartram Forest
- Bast, Jonathan.“The Presidency of Guy H. Wells at GSCW”
- Baugh, Bee Gee
- Baugh, James
- Baum, John P.
- Beckham, Cynthia
- Beeson, Leola Selman (Mrs. Jasper Luther)
- Better Business Bureau
- Bettross, Erica. "Oral History: Mrs. Sibley". (Frances "Deedie" Binion Sibley)
- Bicentennial Celebration (2003)
- The Big Read (NEA)
- Binnicker, James C.“Crime and Punishment, Milledgeville 1820-1830"
- Black Springs Baptist Church
- Blanchard, Monica L..“Guide to Charles Holmes Herty Papers”
- Blandy Hills Elementary School
- Blenk, Russell
- Blind Willie Blues Festival
- Blizzard, Bobby
- Bloodworth, Raynelle
- Blosser, Susan.“Emily Hines Polhill (Nesbitt)”
- Blosser, Susan.“John Dudley Tatum”
- Board of Education
- Boatwright, J. C.
- Boddie: J. F. Boddie High School
- Bonner, James C.
- Bonner, James C. Index to Milledgeville: Georgia's Antebellum Capital
- Bonner, James C. "Milledgeville Historic Markers”
- Bonner, James C. “Sherman At Milledgeville in 1864”
- Book, Constane and Ezell, David. "Freedom of Speech and Institutional Control: Patient Publications at Central State Hospital"
- Bowden, Col. Edwin T.
- Bowen, Chuck. "Saluting Carl Vinson." Georgia Backroads
- Bowen, Mark
- Boyer, Marshall
- Boykin Hall
- Boys and Girls Clubs
- Branan, James
- Branscomb, Anne Wells
- Bridges
- Bright, Fred
- Brink, Ed "Forgotten Friends: The History of Colored Odd Fellows in Milledgeville"
- Brown-Stetson-Sanford House
- Brown's Crossing Craftsmen Fair
- Brown's Crossing Craftsmen Fair
- Browning, Joan
- Bruning, Shanna. "Central State Hospital"
- Buchanan, Matthew G. "Farish Carter"
- Buchanan, Matthew G. "Lucliius Henry Briscoe"
- Buffington, Samuel
- Burdell, William. "Bill and Probate Records"
- Burdell, William “Bill. “Herschel V. Johnson”
- Burgamy, Anne Buckner and Hugh Harrington. "A Yankee Hero of Gettysburg and a Georgia Connection" (Joshua L. Chamberlain)
- Burr, Aaron – Travels through Central Georgia
- Burrus, Mickey
- Bush, Effie Sharp
- Business & Professional Women's Network of Georgia
- Butts, Virginia
- Byrom, Henry
- Cachets (Milledgeville's Coat of Arms. envelopes)
- Califf, David A. – The Creek Indians
- Calloway, Sid and Martha
- Capital [see: Old Capitol Building]
- Camp Creek Church
- Campus Theatre
- Cannon, Randall
- Capital City
- Carey, Robert. “Cabinet Making”
- Carl Vinson VA Medical Center
- Carmolingo, Nicole. "Milledgeville's Adherence to the Fashion Trends…”
- Carr, James and Maxa
- Carver High School - see Eddy High School
- Carver School
- Casler, Leah A Study of Moral and Medical Treatment in the 19th Century in Milledgeville [Central State] (coprighted)
- Cemeteries
- Census 1820
- Census 1990
- Central Georgia Technical College
- Central State Hospital
- Central State Hospital. Abandoned Asylum: Central State Hospital in Milledgeville, Georgia
- Central State Hospital. Report of the Trustees, Superintendent and Resident Physician of the Lunatic Asylum of the State of
- Central State Hospital "Gone to Milledgeville": Northeast Georgia Women and the Georgia State Sanitarium, 1886-1936. Laurie Jane Varner, UGA Dissertation, 2011.
- Central State Hospital - Doctors stories
- Central State Hospital - Family Records
- Central State Hospital – Historic Photographs
- Central State Hospital - Report
- Central State Hospital Cemetery
- Central State Hospital Local Redevelopment Authority
- Central State Hospital: People, Places, and Progress:. Produced for Digital Media, Georgia College
- Central State Hospital: Untold Voices
- Chandwick, Brian. "The History of the Waitzfelder Building at 119 South Wayne Street"
- Chamberlin, Daniel. "Local Supply for Local Demand: Furniture Made in Milledgeville, Georgia, Before 1860"
- Chambers, Maynard
- Chancey, Andrew S. Separate Worlds in the Same Community. (interviews. Baldwin County African American Education.)
- Chandler, Barbara A
- Cheely, Judy
- Chen, Feinian "Biographical Sketch of John Ruggles Cotting"
- Chief Seattle
- Childers, William A. “John A. Cuthbert”
- Churches
- Ciampa, Vince
- Civic Woman's Club
- Civil War
- Civil War – Centennial Celebration [2 folders]
- Civil War – Secession
- Clark, Cheryl L
- Clark, Dusty
- Claxton, Chuck
- Cliff's Variety and Thrift
- Clline, Mary S.
- The Club at Lake Sinclair
- Cobb, Howell
- Coleman, Kenneth. "Thomas Holmes Kenan
- Coleman, Mary Sue
- Collins, Dorothy.“A Narrative History of The Willis House, c. 1828-1834”
- Columbia Center --McGaw Building
- Communities in Schools of Milledgeville/Baldwin County
- Community Chorus
- Community MLK Celebrations
- Community Profile (July 1984)
- Community Profile (March 1988)
- Community Profile (November 1989)
- Community Profile (undated Knight Foundation study)
- Community Programs
- Confederate Monument
- Conn, Charles Augustus
- Cook, Betty Jean
- Cooper, David
- Cooper, Michael Devlin
- Cordova, Sara. "The Battle at Home: A Look at Women on Milledgeville's Civil War Home Front"
- Cotton
- Courthouse Renovations
- Coverdell, Paul D.
- Cranford, Beaufort
- Cranford, Peter
- Creative Expressions Studio
- Creekside Elementary School
- Creel, Brad. “A Historic Look at the First Methodist Church in Milledgeville, Georgia”
- Creel, Brad. "A Historical Look at the First Methodist Church in Milledgeville, Georgia'
- Creel, Brad, “Peter Fair, Sr.”
- Creel, Brad. “Peter Jones Williams”
- Croyle, Kelsey. "The YWCA at Georgia College: A Close Look at the Organization and its Contribution to Society"
- Daughters of the American Revolution. D.A.R.
- Davis, Geneva Bell
- Davis, John W.
- Davis, Nikki "Reverend Wilkes Flagg"
- Davis, Robert S. "Land Owners of Camp Creel"
- Davis, Sallie Ellis
- Davis, Tommy Lee
- Deal, Nathan
- Deal, Sandra
- Death Notices
- Deen, Jonathan. "The McKinley Family"
- Deen, Paula
- Deep Roots Festival
- DeLaunay-DuBourg Families (will abstracts, family history)
- Department of Transportation
- Deutermann, Susan
- Development Authority
- Dexter, Pete
- Dorman, Steve
- Downtown
- Drouillard, Dewey, Sr.
- DuBignon Family
- Dudas, Bernie
- Durden, Dianne. Colonel Henry Gaither"
- E E. Bell
- Eady, Cecil
- Eagle Ridge Elementary
- Eagles (eagle release in Baldwin County)
- Early, Joe
- Eberhart Studio
- Economic Development.
- Eddy High School
- Edwards, Harry Stilwell
- Elder, Don
- Elderhostel
- Elections (local)
- Ennis, Charles
- Ennis, Howard
- Escott, Paul D. "Fifty-Seventh Regiment"
- Exchange Bank
- Executions
- Ezell, David L. "Brigadie-General George Pierce Doles"
- Ezell, David. " The Reality of Myth: Milledgeville's Civil WAr Tunnel"
- Farris, Rochelle T. –“Gachets and Thorntons: Look to the Rock Ffom Which They Were Hewn”
- Fay, Louis an dAlice
- Federal Pensioners (1882-1883)
- Feist, Russell and Peggy
- Felton, Jordan. "The Life of Hoy Taylor"
- Ferrell, Sammy
- Fest of Ville
- Finney, Sara
- Firefighters
- Fireworks
- First Assembly of God
- First National Bank of Baldwin County
- First Presbyterian Church
- Flagg Chapel Baptist Church
- Flagg, Rev. Wilkes [2 folders; see also: Eddy School Neighborhood; Flagg Chapel Baptist Church]
- Flanders, E. Lorene. "Dr. Benjamin Aspinwall White: Documents and Published Sources"
- Flanders, E. Lorene. "Mrs. L. W. Lane"
- Flanders, E. Lorene. " A Tour of the Plots Associated with the Descendants of Major Edward White and Mildred Scott Stubbs White, Memory Hill Cemetery, Milledgeville, Georgia" 1996
- Flanders, E. Lorene. "A Tour of the Plots Associated with the family of Dr. Benjamin Aspinwall White, memory Hill Cemetery, Milledgeville, Georgia" 1999
- Force, Julia
- Forstmann & Co., Inc.
- Foster, Rebecca –“The Adaptation of Historic Westover Plantation for Conventional Domestic Use”
- Fountain, Wilson --“A Biographical Sketch of Fleming Grantland, 1790-1819”
- Frank, Leo
- Freedmen's Bureau (Baldwin County) – Records of the Supt. of Education – Letters received (Sep 1865-Jul 1867)
- Freedmen's Bureau (Baldwin County) – Records of the Supt. of Education – Letters sent (Aug 1867-Feb 1868)
- Freedmen's Bureau (Baldwin County) – Records of the Supt. of Education – Miscellaneous lists and memoranda (1865-1870)
- Freedmen's Bureau (Baldwin County) – Records of the Supt. of Education – School Reports from teachers (Oct 1865-Aug 1867)
- Freedmen's Bureau (Baldwin County) – Records of the Supt. of Education – School Reports from teachers (Sep 1867-May 1868)
- Freedmen's Bureau (Baldwin County) – Records of the Supt. of Education – School Reports from teachers (Jun-Dec 1868)
- Freedmen's Bureau (Baldwin County) – Records of the Supt. of Education – School Reports from teachers (Jan-Apr 1869)
- Freedmen's Bureau (Baldwin County) – Records of the Supt. of Education – School Reports from teachers (Apr-Jul 1870)
- Freeman, Harrell
- Freeman, John
- French Drive
- Frost, Dana --“Seaton Grantland”
- Fry, Edgar A. --Carl Vinson: His Pre-Congressional Law Practice”
- Fry, Edgar A. --“Zachariah Lamar”
- Fujino, Yoko --“Mini-Biography of Mary Ann Lamar Cobb”
- Gardner, Charles Ware. "Joseph Stovall & Thirteen Columns"
- Gay, Ella Dunlap
- Geology
- Georgia BBQ Trails
- Georgia Bureau of Investigation – John T. "Sonny" King Memorial Building
- Georgia Casino Study
- Georgia Department of Transportation
- Georgia Environmental Finance Authority
- Georgia Military College
- Georgia Military College. The Cadence
- Georgia Military College Museum
- Georgia Military College Prep
- Georgia Military College. Toqueville in Milledgeville. C-SPAN School Bus visit, 1998
- Georgia Power Plant Branch (Lake Sinclair)
- Georgia State Penitentiary
- Georgia State Prison Farm Recordings (Nov-Dec 1934) on CD
- Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation
- Georgia Veterans Memorial Cemetery
- Georgia War Veterans Home
- Georgia's Old Capital Museum
- Giddings Investigation
- Gingrich, Newt
- Gish, Erin Catherine. "Works of the Devil and Acts of the Angels: A History of Georgia's Famous Lunatic Asylum"
- Goat Man
- Goff, John H. "Place Names of Georgia"
- Golden, Maggie --“The History of the Buildings Located on South Wayne Street in Milledgeville"
- Goldstein, Jacob "Jake"
- Goldstein, Maxine
- Goldstein, Sonny
- Goff, Jeff --“Fishing Creek”
- Goodman, Emily –“Martha Low Fannin Fort"
- Goodrich, Harold Isaac
- Goodrich, Samuel M.
- Goon, Robert --“Milledgeville’s Antebellum Libraries, 1810-1854”
- Graff, Paul
- Graham, Ruth
- Grantland-Stevenson House
- Green, Verna C.
- Greenway, Amy. "Moore's Ford Lynching"
- The Greenway
- Gregory, Alex (YKK)
- Griffin, Floyd
- Griffin Pipe Company
- LL Grimes & Son, Inc.
- Grimes, Olivia
- A Guidebook for Milledgeville, Georgia
- Gulley, Christie. "The 1860 Census: An Analysis of the Statistics
- Guy, Gaynie G. and Hugh Harringon. " Julia Force: Victorian Muderess"
- Grumman Aircraft Systems
- Gulley, Christie (“Baldwin County – Census (1860 and 1870”)
- Guidebook (1949)
- Guy, Gaynie and Harrington, Hugh T. (“Julia Forge: Victorian Murderess”)
- Habitat for Humanity
- Ham, Bill
- Hansell, Augustin H.
- Hardwick Christian Church
- Hardwick, Georgia – History
- Hardy, Oliver
- Hargaden, Anne
- Hargrove, Tom
- Harkness, Charlene
- Harlem Globetrotters
- Harmony Methodist Church
- Harp, John --“Miller Grieves, Sr.”
- Harrington, Hugh T. "The Finney-Stanley Shooting"
- Harrington Hugh T. and Susan J. Harrington. "Georgia's Dixie Haygood: The Original Annie Abbott and 'Little Georgia Magnet."
- Harrington, Hugh T. and Lisa Ennis. -- "Milledgeville's Unusual Kenan-Strother Shootings"
- Harrington, Hugh T. -- "Murder on Main Street."
- Harrington, Hugh T. and Alexandra Filipowski. -- "One-Legged Rufus Kelly Defends the Little Town of Gordon - Alone!"
- Harrington, Hugh. "Previously Unknown Confederate Dead Identified"
- Harrington, Hugh T. -- "The Strange Death of Capt. Abner Zachary."
- Harrington, Hugh T. -- "The Unusual Case of the Murder of Lemeul Smith."
- Harrington, Hugh T. -- "Was Michael Shaw Hanged for a Crime He Did Not Commit?"
- Harrington, Hugh T. -- “Unknown Civil War Soldiers”
- Harrington, Susan --“How the Annie Abbot Act Was Performed (Dixie Haygood)”
- Harris, Agnes Ellen
- Harris, Robin O. –“Analysis and Correlation of Historical and Feminist Theories as Evidenced in Fictional and Non-Fictional Works by Julia A. Flisch."
- Harrison, Roscoe A.
- Harshbarger, Bruce. "Old West Outlaw Bill Miner Comes to Georgia." Georgia Backroads
- Haslam, Al
- Hattaway, Vera
- Hawkins, Allison. "The Northwest Corner of West Hancock and North Wayne Streets in Milledgeville, Georgia: Square 39"
- Haygood, Dixie
- Herren, Darryl & Marsha
- Herring, Frank Stanley
- Heritage Foundation
- Hice, Jody
- Hill, Beverly
- Hilson, Clint –“The Stembridge Affair: Marion Wesley Stembridge”
- Historic District (Guidelines for Rehabilitation and New Construction)
- Historic Preservation Commission
- History [4 Folders]
- Hodges, Cleo
- Hogan, George
- Hogan, James Carroll [2 folders]
- Hogan, Revel
- Hooks, George
- Hopewell United Methodist Church
- Horne-Tennille, Amelia
- Hospice Care
- Howard, Charles and Anne
- Howard, Randy
- Howell, Quentin T.
- Huley, Louis, Sr.
- Huley Park
- Humphrey, Clint --“Colonel Augustus Holmes Kenan”
- Humphrey, Clint --“Thomas Holmes Kenan”
- Humphrey, Clint --“Samuel Walker”
- Humphries, Frank
- Hunter, John --“The political Career of David Byrdie Mitchell”
- Hurley, Harold, Jr.
- Hurt, Tony, Jr.
- ID Magazine
- Indian Island
- Isakson, Johnny
- Islands of Pun and the Free Associations
- Jackson, Slats
- Jackson, Vincent
- Jaeger Company. "Guidelines for Rehabilitation and New Construction in the Milledgeville Historic District
- Jarrett, Jimmy
- Jarrett Springs
- Jaycees
- Jemison, Edwin Frances
- Jewish community in Milledgeville
- John Milledge Academy
- Johnikin, Robyn.'Joanna Troutman"
- Johns, Thomas. "Milledgeville's Unwanted Visitor"
- Johnson, Amanda
- Johnson, Ken. "Opera House"
- Johnson, Michael P. "A New Look at the Popular Vote for Delegates to the Georgia Secession Convention"
- Johnson, Sam
- Johnson, Steve
- Jones, Dr. Alan
- Jones, Bert
- Jones, Jack
- Joslyn, Mauriel
- Kaolin
- Karanovich, Evan. "Georgia's Antebellum Capital: Where it Began and Ended"
- Keeler, Clyde E. [2 folders]
- Kendall, Patricia --“Terrell Hall: A Chronological History”
- Kendall-McGaw Industries
- Kenyon, Sherrilyn
- Kerr, David G. --Civil War-“The Crippling of an Urban Elite, Milledgeville, Georgia, 1860-1870”
- Kidd, Harriett
- Kidd, Jim and Evelyn
- Kidd, Senator Culver
- Kilpatrick, Allie
- King, Elizabeth --“Dixie the Georgia Wonder”
- Kiwanis Club of Milledgeville
- Knight Foundation
- Knox, Marilyn Dianne. Negro Education in Baldwin County: Interviews with Practicing and Retired Teachers"
- Knowles, Paul John. (The Casanova Killer)
- Kroger
- Kuglar, Everett
- Lake Sinclair
- Land Lotteries
- Land Use Capability Survey (1943)
- Langton, Ann
- Lanier, Sidney
- Lataste, Lucien and Victor
- Lawrence, Ken
- Leach, Dexter –“Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar, Sr.”
- League of Women Voters
- Leatherwood, Matt --“Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar, Jr.”
- Leatherwood, Matt --“Trinity Colored Methodist Church”
- LeConte & Furman Family Papers
- Lee, Collins P.
- Levandis, Peter
- Lindsley, Susan
- Liquor Licenses
- Little, Suzy
- Live Healthy Baldwin
- Lockerly Arboretum
- Lounsbury, John H.
- MBC Connect
- Main Street Commission
- Major Thoroughfares [see: oversize box]
- Malone, Deborah. :America's Roadside Wanderer - The Story of the Goat Man"
- Maps
- Maranatha
- Martino, Angel
- Mayo, Tony
- Mayors (1816-1979)
- Mazza, Lt. James
- McDonald, Ben –“The 1832 Nullification Convention, Milledgeville, Georgia”
- McFarlane, Nadean
- McGaw Building [see: Columbia Center]
- McGee Exhibit
- McGee, Matthew (Matt). Blacksmith
- McGuigan, Michael --"A Compendium of the Life of Mirabeau Buonoparte Lamar,
- McNair, Glen M. "The Trials of Slaves in Baldwin County, Georgia, 1812-1826"
- Mead, Gregory C. --“The Life and Death of Patrick Kane”
- Mead, Jeffery --“ Film indexing Project Assessment, 13-WMAZ, Macon”
- Medders, Marvin
- Melton, Sara --“Lovely Phantom”
- Memory Hill Cemetery
- Memory Hill Cemetery – Community Celebration Texts
- Meyer, Herb
- Midway Elementary School
- Military Service
- (Milledgeville) Toqueville in Milledgeville (C-Span School Bus visit, 1998)
- Milledgeville Architecture
- Milledgeville-Baldwin County 2000+
- Milledgeville-Baldwin County Chamber of Commerce
- Milledgeville-Baldwin County Bi-Centennial Celebrations
- Milledgeville Boycott, 1971
- Milledgeville Centennial Celebration, 1938
- Milledgeville City Council
- Milledgeville City Council. Tree Board
- Milledgeville City Council. Water and Sewerage Committee
- Milledgeville City Manager
- Milledgeville Development Authority
- Milledgeville Ethics Board
- Milledgeville Film Festival
- Milledgeville Fire Rescue
- Milledgeville Garden Club
- Milledgeille Heritage Foundation
- Milledgeville History
- Milledgeville Housing Authority
- Milledgeville Living (magazine)
- Milledgeville Marketplace Farmers Market
- Milledgeville Memoirs
- Milledgeville Museum Association
- Milledgeville Music Club
- The Milledgeville Players
- Milledgeville Police Department
- Milledgeville Rotary Club
- Milledgeville Scene (various issues)
- Miller, Dorothy --“Economic Report, Milledgeville, 1940”
- Miller, Irene Pursley
- Mills, Patrick H. --“Dr. Charles Holmes Herty: The Years at the University of Georgia”
- Minchin, Timothy J. "The Milledgeville Spy Case and the Struggle to Organize J. P. Stevens"
- Miner, Lawrence
- Miner, Old Bill
- Mines/mining (Click on Virtual Vault. In the search box, type in: Mining, Baldwin County)
- Minton, Joan
- Mitchell, David Brydie-Governor of Georgia-thesis
- Mitchell, Nicole --“The Bell Family”
- Mohawk Industries
- Monroe, Doug. "Asylum: Inside Central State Hospital, once the world's largest mental institution." Georgia Backroads
- Montford, Cassandra
- Mooncalf Press
- Moore, Jere Neuville
- Moore, John Hammond. Jared Sparks in Georgia - April, 1826 (visited Milledgeville)
- Moore, Powell
- Moran, Jennifer. "Robert McCombs"
- Morgan Chapel Baptist Church
- Morgan, Deanne --“Patience Barrow McKinley”
- Morgan, Nathan
- Morris-Little Unit. American Legion Auxiliary. Department of Georgia. scrapbook
- Mullis, Janie
- Murdock, Anita
- Murphy, Otis, Jr.
- NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)
- Nappy Roots
- "National Air Mail Week"
- National Children's Study
- National Register of Historic Places Nominations (Baldwin County)
- "Native American Artifacts
- Neil, Mallory --“The Times They Are A Changing: Student Life at Georgia College in the 1970’s
- Nelson, Aubrey
- Nelson, Franl
- Nespor, Tomas F.
- Nestle Plant
- Newell House
- Newsome, Cail --“The Sanford House and the Sanford Family”
- Nix, Ramsey. ""Abandoned." (Central State Hospital)
- North Milledgeville Historic Resources Survey Report. ECA Project No. K-378-7
- Northside Elementary School
- Norton, Rev. Dewey
- Nunn, Pierce
- Nurses. Milledgeville. Class of 1947
- Nuwaubians
- O'Kom, Michael J.
- O'Neal, Peter.
- Oak Hill Middle School
- Oconee Arts Exhibition
- Oconee Center
- Oconee Clay Products
- Oconee Mental Health & Mental Retardation Program. Financial Report, 1987.
- Oconee Regional Medical Center (see also Baldwin County Hospital)
- Oconee Regional Symphony Orchestra
- Oconee River Greenway Authority
- Oconee Springs
- Oconee Town [see also: Rock Landing]
- Odum-Jackson, Dennette
- Oglethorpe University
- Old Capital car Club
- Old Capital Historical Society
- Old Capitol Building
- Old Capitol Building – Lafayette Tour
- Old Capitol Celebration
- Old Governor's Mansion
- Olive Forge Farm
- Olsen, Eric --“The Forgotten History of Wayne Street” (Waitzfelder Building)
- Olympics 1996
- Palmer, Dr. SuzAnne
- Panchelli, Meldra
- Pardee-Usery, Fran. (wife of W.J. Usery)
- Parham, Bobby
- Parham-Copelan, Mary
- Paris Trout
- Parker, Suzanna. "The 1953 Stembridge Murders: Their Impact on Milledgeville, Georgia"
- Parks and Recreation
- Patterson, Tyre
- Pavitt, Owen
- Payne, Timothy --“Benjamin Smith Jordan”
- Payne, Timothy --"Mirabeau Buonoparte Lamar: Georgia Native, Texas Revolutionary,"
- Payne, Timothy --“Tomlinson Fort Newell”
- Peeler, J. Michael
- Pennington, Buford
- Perdue, David
- Perez, Alan
- Perkins, Donna --“Dr. Amanda Johnson”
- Peterson, Amanda: --“Anna Maria Green Cook”
- Phillips, Lance “Their Massive Pride: The Georgia Secession Centennial Play 1960”
- Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell
- Pilgrimage Day Celebration (1952)
- Pirkl, Linda. "Central State Hospital's Effect on Georgia's Overall Mental Health Care Reform: 1965-1985: Georgia's Mental Health Reform vs. the National Community-Based Mental Health Center and Deinstitutionalization Movement"
- Plant Branch (Georgia Power)
- Play! A Creative Studio
- Pollock, Jackson
- Pope, Katherine H. "Milledgeville-Baldwin County Convention and Visitors Bureau: Building Survey and Internship Experience”
- Post Offices
- Pratt, Amanda --“Fleming Grantland”
- Pratt, Daniel
- Prince, Christy –“The Life of Dr. Tomlinson Fort, Sr."
- Prison Escapes
- Prisons
- Private Prisons
- Progressive Farmers Club
- Puckett, Randolph
- Pursley, Gus, Jr.
- Ramsdell, Theodore J. “A Brief Study on Runaway Slave Ads in Antebellum Milledgeville Newspapers”
- Recycling
- Red Hill Prison Cemetery
- Redistricting
- Reece, Barry –“A Biography of Peter Cline”
- Register, Alvaretta Kenan --“The Kenan Family”
- Reid, Templeton
- Relay For Life
- Restaurants
- Reunion
- Rhea, Carter. “Was the Milledgeville Riot About Flour or Fabric?”
- Rheem
- Rivenbark, Grace. "A Life of Fortune: An Oral History of Mr. Lee Dickens"
- River Edge Behavioral Health Center
- Roberts, Jamie --“Prostitution in Early Milledgeville”
- Roberts, William C. --“Tomlinson Fort of Milledgeville, Georgia”
- Rock Landing (2 folders)
- Rockwell, Samuel house
- Rogers, Alton
- Rothlisberger, Ben
- Rowland, Nick
- Russell, Bob "Red"
- Russell, Ina Dillard
- S.A.F.E. (Successful Avenue for Family Enrichment)
- Saint Stephen's Episcopal Church
- Sallstrom, John
- Salminiitty, Satu
- Sanders, Deonard and Leonard
- Sanford House
- Sanford, Lamonica Jenkins. "Biography of Sallie Ellis Davis"
- Sanford, Terry --“The Family History of Daniel Sanford”
- Sausinger, Didier --“Clyde Edgar Keeler: Geneticist, Archeologist and Cultural Historian”
- Schiflett, Laurel --“Furniture of Baldwin County, 1850-1855”
- Scholly, Livy --“Frank Stanley Herring” (2 of 2)
- Schools
- Scott, Nancy --“History of Hotels and Tavern in Milledgeville”
- Scott, Naancy. "Research on Hotels and Taverns in Early Milledgeville"
- Scott, Nancy --“Richard McAlister Orme”
- Scottsboro Community
- Seals, joe Nell
- Seckinger, jim
- Second Macedonia Baptist Church
- Seda III, Eugenio E. "Memories of Hospital: Central State and the Cuban Doctors That Worked There"
- Segrest, Mab. Talk on history of Central State Hospital
- Sellers, Frederick --“John Marlor”
- Seymour, Martha. --“Five Hundred Years of a Wright Family”
- Shaw Industries
- Sherriffs, Beth. "David Brydie Mitchell - Governor of Georgia, 1809-1813, 1815, 1817"
- Shiflett, Laura. "Furniture of Baldwin County, 1850-1855”
- Shingleton, Royce. "Atlanta Becomes the Capital: The Role of Richard Peters"
- Shockley, Leanne --“Jessie Sanford”
- Sibley, John [VHS cassette]
- Sibley, Ulysses Erwin
- Slater Family- Bob Wilson
- Slavery
- Sloan, Eva L.
- Smart, Anne
- Smith, Mary Jane. "The Fight to Protect Race and Regional Identity within the General Federation of Women's Clubs, 1895-1902"
- Smith, Thomas Newton
- Smith, Wayne C. "Negro Boys in the Youth Development Centers of Georgia"
- Snyder, Betty
- Sparks, Jared – Visit to Milledgeville (1826)
- Spence, Byron T. --“Early Athletics at GN&IC”
- Spence, Philip
- Springtown, Inc.
- Spivey, Philip
- Statehouse
- Stembridge, Marion Wesley
- Stembridge, Marion Wesley – Transcript of murder indictment (The State vs. Marion W. Stembridge, July 1949)
- Stephens, Elizabeth. "Mary Virginia Harrison Russell"
- J. P. Stevens & Co., Milledgeville Plant.
- J. P. Stevens/Forstmann
- Stockard, John
- Strickland, Diane Daniel. "The One and Only Kate Thrash"
- Strickland, Stan
- Stubbs, Tamara
- Sweet P's Cupcakes and More
- Swicord, Trent, Dray and Blake
- Tagliabue, Chan
- Tales from the Back Stoop
- Talmadge, John E. "Georgia Tests the Fugitive Slave Law"
- Tanner, Howard and Carolyn
- Tate House
- Taylor, Brittany --“Georgia State Sanitarium Nurses Training School, 1810-1947”
- Taylor, James and Pitts, Norris
- Taylor, Lynne. "Georgia's Fourth Capital." (in Georgia Backroads)
- Taylor, Tut
- Technical College System of Georgia
- Telephone
- Thigpen, John Victor. "History of Milledgeville State Hospital: The First Fifty Years"
- Thigpen, Kenneth
- Thomas, Arlene
- Thomas, Bren. "The Slater Family"
- Tourism Tours Tours of Homes Voter Registration List (1961)
- Thomas, Bren –“The Slater Family”
- Thomas, Kenneth T. :Documenting a Historic Structure in Atlanta"
- Thomas, Tim
- Thompson, Hugh P.
- Thompson, Tommy
- Thornton, Martha Carpenter
- Thornton, Mrs. John P. --“History of the Baldwin County Library (Mary Vinson Memorial Library)”
- Time Capsule
- Tobar, Carlos
- Tourism
- Train Schedule, 1929
- Trammell, Eugene
- Transportation
- Triumph Aerostructures
- Turner, Jim --“A Biographical Sketch of Samuel Walker”
- Twin Lakes Library System
- U. S. Highway 441 Bypass (2003)
- U.S. Naval Ordinance Plan
- U.S.S. Carl Vinson
- U.S.S. Monitor
- Union Baptist Church
- Usery, W. J, Jr.
- Van Tone, Kevin --“The Founding of Milledgeville, 1803”
- Veal, Brian L. "Dr. James C. Bonner: A Biography"
- Veal, Dr. Curtis
- Vedder, John
- Veterans
- Veterinarians
- Victory Baptist Church
- Vinson, Carl
- Vinson, E.A.
- Volkoff, Vladimir
- Voter Registration List, 1961
- Vought Aircraft Industries
- Waddell, Michael
- Wade, John Donald
- Waggoner, Jamie --“Abner Hammond: A Tale From the Files of a Secret Agent”
- Wagner, Kathryn. --"Precarious Education: Milledgeville's First Schools, 1807-1829."
- Wagner, Michael
- Waitzfelder family
- Walker, Alice
- Walker, Madame C. J.
- Wall, Russell "Lucius Quintus Lamar, Sr.: Milledgeville Lawyer and Judge"
- Walden, Mary Patricia. "History of the Georgia Penitentiary at Milledgeville, 1817-1868"
- Walton, George
- Ward, Cecil
- Ward, Jackie
- Warren, Bobby
- Water Crisis (2017-)
- Water and Sewage Committee
- Waters, Cherry --“Wilkes Flagg”
- Watson, Daniel J. --“Mount Nebo”
- Watson, Daniel J. --“Reverend Joseph Clay Stiles”
- Watson, Thomas E.
- Watts, Jimmy
- Watts, Waylon
- Webb, Gloria --“A Biographical Sketch of Bardel Palmer Stubbs”
- Weisiger, Kendall
- Wells,Brooksie Stilwell
- Western and Atlantic Railroad
- Wheat, Mike
- Whipple, Fielding Dillard
- White, Edward
- White, Dr. John
- White, Walker Francis
- Wilborne, Donald Thorndyke. "Black Attendance at th First Baptist Church of Milledgeville, 1830-1866"
- Wilde,Richard Henry
- Wildman, Robert W. "Research in Clinical Psychology, Milledgeville State Hospital"
- Williams-Ferguson-Lewis House
- Williams, Bill
- Williams, Coleman
- Williams, Jim --“Leopold Waitzfelder”
- Williams, Lucinda
- Williams, Nellie Lowman
- Williams, Rick
- Williams, Vinnie
- Williamson, Christine E. --“General Jett Thomas”
- Williamson, Christine E --“A Study of the U.S. Women’s Naval Reserves at the Georgia State College for Women, 1943-45”
- Williamson-Howard Cemetery
- Willingham, Calder Baynard, Jr.
- Willis, Charles
- Wilson, Augusta Jane Evans
- Wilson, Bob
- Wine industry
- Wireless Broadband Networks
- Women's History
- Wood, Cullen --“A Compilation of Names and Individuals Buried in Coopers Cemetery”
- Wood, Sara Ellen. " The Evolution of Entertainment in Milledgeville: Lucas Tavern and Newell Hall"
- Woodruff, Robert Winship
- Woodville
- Wooward, Emily
- Woolfork Murders
- Worsham, Sandra
- Wright, Eddie
- Wright, Patty [see: Stembridge, Marion Wesley]
- Wynne, Tony M. – “The Baldwin County Office of the Bureau of Refugees: Freedmen and Abandoned Lands”
- Yancey, Sam
- YES Program
- Yerby, Frank G.
- Youth Development Center
- Yummo Yogo
- Zubly, John Joachim