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Springshare Maintenance

End of Semester - Please Complete by December 20th and July 31st of Each Year


  1. Please complete monthly maintenance. 

    Additionally, please complete the following by July 31st and December 20th of Each Year:
  2. Make any necessary edits/updates to your LibGuides.
  3. Create necessary LibGuides or pages to existing Libguides (i.e. new course guide if requested, new service/resource).
  4. If necessary, change the status of your guides to Published, Private, or Unpublished.  If there are LibGuides you no longer need or want, please put them in the Old LibGuide Archive Group.
    • Questions to ask when setting statuses for your LibGuides:
      • When was your Libguide created?  Is it still relevant and/or is the information accurate?
      • How many views has the Libguide received in the last 6 months, year, 5 years, etc.?  Check LibGuide Statistics
      • Can the information in the Libguide be inserted into another guide as a separate page or in a box on another page?
      • Is the LibGuide linked on someone else's LibGuide, website, syllabus, etc.?  Do you need to notify someone or create a redirect?
  5. In addition to using the Link Checker tool, check links included in the rich text boxes and update links, if needed. 
  6. Remove links to databases that we do not subscribe to anymore.